Nayeli followed the three dark figures at a distance, keeping her footsteps from being heard as they made their way up the cold mountainside. A wolf howled. One of the dark figures grumbled. Another stopped abruptly, an edge to his words.
Even though she was too far back to make out what was being said, she could tell the voice was unfamiliar. Someone she didn’t know? Nayeli crouched behind an evergreen and watched frozen breath puff in the moonlight as no response came.
Rick’s baritone broke the silence, causing her heart to trip. It was surreal that he was hunting her. Her fingertips and toes tingled. If only it wasn’t such a quiet night, she would move closer. In the cold air, any sound, no matter how small, seemed to ring clear.
It was only a minute before the exchange of words ended. Two of the figures continued up, while the third stood still. Goosebumps briefly tickled her arms. Did they sense her nearby? Couldn’t be. She had learned to survive through overcautiousness.
Shifting her bag, Nayeli eased out her handgun. If she was found, he wouldn’t get his moment to shoot on sight. After a quick shot to incapacitate and a second to guarantee he wouldn’t be getting back up, she’d disappear before the other two came back.
The third figure started jogging down the way they had come, each step announced with the crunch of frosted grass or a slap against rock. Easily detectible. Did he not care? Was there a reason? Nayeli backed into the soft branches of the evergreen, thankful the moon had disappeared once again. The figure passed her, only two feet away. Unaware of her presence?
Briefly slipping on an exposed rock, the figure half cussed as he caught himself. Rick. Why the split from the other two? Alone, he would be easier to take. Glancing up the mountain one last time, she started after him, handgun ready.
Next installment, coming April 2024.
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