Goal Reached: “Boring” scenes fixed!

I got my goal done!!

During October, I continued writing out scenes for an intense subplot, weaving it into the existing storyline in a believable (and suspenseful!) way.

Once that was complete, I listed the chapters again, with notes regarding an aspect of my main character. I needed to iron some things out, making her development more natural and purposeful. It came together more happily than I thought it would 😊

To celebrate, my husband bought me a YETI. Customized engraving was at a major discount, so I ordered my writing themes. The quote reads: I like to write dark stories. Not for the darkness, but to create the hope that comes from overcoming the darkness. My water intake has definitely gone up – Fringe benefit 😉

Now I’m hoping to make a ton of progress on my next book’s first draft. November is NaNoWriMo! (National Novel Writing Month) The goal is to get 50,000 words written in one month – Quantity over quality. The perfect setup for first drafts 😊

Have you ever participated in NaNoWriMo? Are you going to this year??

Sign up to receive my monthly email here.

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